Frequently Asked Questions
How do I clear from the library?
Present your clearance form and University Identification card to the librarian at the issue desk.
What other services/products can I expect from the library?
How can I access e-resources when off-campus?
How do I return Library materials?
Can I borrow a book from another campus library?
What should I do when a library material is damaged or lost?
Can I borrow a book if I have an overdue item / fine?
How much fine is charged for overdue books?
What if I overstay with a borrowed item?
How do I extend/ renew the loan period of Library material?
How many times can I renew a book?
When I borrow a book, for how long can I stay with it?
Can I borrow books using another user's ID?
What is the procedure of borrowing a book from the library?
How do I search for books in the library?
What is a short loan material?
What should I do if I’ve lost my student/staff ID card?
Who are eligible members of the Library?
How do I register as a library user?